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How to open a shift

Before you can begin ringing up sales, you must open a shift. Opening a shift creates a starting point for your business to track sales and other operations. For flexibility, you can open and close a shift as many times as needed during the day.

Note: We do not suggest having a shift open across multiple days, this can create challenges for your sales tracking and reporting.

  1. Log In to the POS.

  2. Press the Open Shift button. If you do not see this option, a shift is already open. Confirm that the shift should be open, or close the shift if you deem it necessary.

    User-added image

  3. If this is the first time you are opening a shift on the device, you will be required to enter the Starting Drawer Amount.  This is the amount of cash in the cash drawer that is associated with the device.

  4. If this is not your first shift, the system will remember the amount of cash left in the drawer when the previous shift was closed.

  5. Once the shift is open, you can start selling!

    Related: How to close a shift